How big is a pint?
Quickly find out how to convert between milliliters and pints
Quickly find out how to convert between milliliters and pints
Converting milliliters (ml) to pints involves taking into account the differences between the US pint, Imperial (UK) pint, and the less common metric pint. Here's how you can convert milliliters to pints for each of these:
To convert from milliliters to US pints, divide the number of milliliters by 473.
For example, if you have 946 ml: 946 ml ÷ 473 ml/pint = 2 US pints.
To convert from milliliters to Imperial pints, divide the number of milliliters by 568.
For example, if you have 1704 ml: 1704 ml ÷ 568 ml/pint = 3 Imperial pints.
To convert from milliliters to metric pints, divide the number of milliliters by the chosen approximation.
For example, if you consider a metric pint as 500 ml: 1000 ml ÷ 500 ml/pint = 2 metric pints.
Remember that the key difference between the US, Imperial, and metric pints is their volume, with the Imperial pint being the largest, followed by the US pint and the metric pint. This distinction is important when converting between the three, and you should use the appropriate conversion factors depending on the type of pint you're dealing with.