Fast and free percentage calculator
What is x% of y?. How do I calculate percentages?
What is x% of y?. How do I calculate percentages?
Calculating percentages is a fundamental mathematical skill used to express a portion of a whole as a fraction of 100. To calculate a percentage, you typically follow these steps:
Identify the Whole: Determine the total or the whole amount to which the percentage relates. This could be the total quantity, cost, or any other value.
Identify the Part: Determine the part or portion of the whole that you want to express as a percentage.
Calculate the Percentage: Divide the part by the whole, then multiply the result by 100. This formula can be expressed as:
Examples of Real-World Usage:
Sales Tax: Imagine you're buying a $50 item, and there's a 7% sales tax. To calculate the tax amount, you would multiply $50 by 7% (or 0.07), resulting in a tax of $3.50.
Exam Scores: If you scored 45 out of 50 on a test, you can calculate your score as a percentage by dividing 45 by 50 and multiplying by 100, which gives you an 90% score.
Discounts: If a product originally costs $80 but is on sale for $64, you can calculate the percentage discount by finding the difference ($80 - $64 = $16) and then dividing it by the original price ($16 / $80 = 0.2). To express it as a percentage, multiply by 100, resulting in a 20% discount.
Tip Calculation: When dining in a restaurant, you want to leave a 15% tip on a $60 bill. To calculate the tip amount, multiply $60 by 15% (or 0.15), giving a tip of $9.
Population Growth: To determine the population increase, say a city's population increased from 1,000 to 1,200 people. The percentage increase would be , which is 20%.
Stock Market: If a stock's value increased from $50 to $60, the percentage change is , which is a 20% increase.
Calculating percentages is essential in various aspects of daily life, from finances and business to education and demographics. It helps people make informed decisions, understand proportions, and compare values in a standardized way.